“Life coaching is not about someone else taking over and directing your life. In fact, it is quite the opposite. It is about having a trusted person work with you to support you in being the designer and director of your own destiny. It may sound cliché, but it really works.” (FIREUP Coaching Australian Registered Training Organisation).

Coaching is about creating a trusting and interactive relationship between the coach and the individual. It is strengths based and development driven, and it can involve both the professional and the personal aspects of your life.

Kerry seeks to provide a safe environment where you can share whatever critical issues affect your professional and personal success. In this environment you can be empowered and inspired to seek your own solutions, to understand and be true to yourself and your values.

Although specific learning intentions or competencies maybe used as a basis for creating your goals, Kerry’s focus goes beyond these, to include areas like work/life integration, self confidence, self perception, emotional intelligence and how the personal influences the professional.

Kerry seeks to create inner change as well as behavioural change. Coaching is about personal transformation. This may or may not link to a specific business competency or area of expertise. Kerry has a genuine passion to assist you to achieve your potential and grow and learn with confidence, resilience and emotional well -being.

Ask yourself, “What is your possibility?” “What is stopping you from finding out?”

Contact Kerry for a confidential discussion about your coaching needs: